Net Consulting d.o.o.

Net Consulting d.o.o.

Radnička do br. 19
71 000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Net Consulting supports companies on the topics of performance management and cyber security and offers these services in combination with managed services. The range of services from Net Consulting includes resources, consultancy and support with regard to the needs of customers from both the public and private sectors.

The certified product Etička linija is an independent channel for application reporting and monitoring within a company. It can be adapted to various organizational structures and offers security as well as comfort.

Net Consulting meets the provisions of the ePrivacyseal criteria catalog, which is based on German or European data protection legislation. After an extensive technical and legal review the product "Etička linija" of Net Consulting has been certified by ePrivacy and received the ePrivacyseal.

Awarded seals

ePrivacyseal EU

ePrivacyseal EU

Etička linija

Validity: 04.03.2016 - 03.03.2018

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Show your commitment, ePrivacy has got the right solution for you.

Our products and services

Do you need information about your security as a customer?

Please find tips and important information here.

ePrivacy consumer information

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