551 Fifth Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10029


The start-up company Tapad offers software and services for cross-device advertising and content publishing.

The technologies from Tapad are based on algorithms capable of analyzing the worldwide web and comprehensively determining device data. Based on this analysis, websites and apps are able to specifically target different devices with their messaging.

Regarding Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA),
Tapad complies with the principles of voluntary self-regulation of the digital advertising industry, which are listed in the iab Europe OBA Framework and held by the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA). Tapad has been certified by ePrivacy and has been awarded the EDAA Trust Seal.

Awarded seals

EDAA OBA Certification

EDAA OBA Certification

Validity: 04.12.2022 - 03.12.2024

EDAA OBA Certification

EDAA OBA Certification

Validity: 04.12.2020 - 03.12.2022

EDAA OBA Certification

EDAA OBA Certification

Validity: 04.12.2018 - 03.12.2020

EDAA OBA Certification

EDAA OBA Certification

Validity: 04.12.2017 - 03.12.2018

EDAA OBA Certification

EDAA OBA Certification

Validity: 04.12.2015 - 03.12.2016

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