The EDAA OBA-Framework

In 2011, the online advertisement industry established a self-regulation known as the EDAA OBA Framework. It calls for more transparency when using usage-based online advertisement and is an initiative of the digital economics sector in Europe. Thanks to the presentation of information, the user is thoroughly informed about the processing and storage of his/her data. 

There are more and more companies making use of OBA, participating in the initiative, and voluntarily accepting the regulations of the framework. Part of the framework is the clear indication of usage-based advertisement via a small logo (icon) in a corner of the advertisement. When the user takes the mouse and glides over the icon, the phrase “AdChoices“ or another similarly indicative text appears. If the user clicks on this word, a window with additional information about the OBA generally appears. This data protection info (AdChoices) must clearly show every user which vendor or supplier is displaying the advertisement and how he can go about making a so-called opt-out (setting up opt-out cookies). What needs to be observed here is that the opt-out is only valid for the browser in which the set cookie is being used.

ePrivacy is the official examiner and certifier in conjunction with the OBA Framework and ultimately awards a seal of quality for maintaining and upholding the guidelines. This seal is called the EDAA OBA Trust Seal.

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