
In addition to offering certification for digital products and websites in the form of the ePrivacyseal, ePrivacy also offers certification for apps in the form of the ePrivacyApp seal. The award of the ePrivacyApp involves extensive testing and certification of the app in question with a view to ensuring the protection and security of the data concerned within the app. The ePrivacyApp seal will be awarded to apps which pass this test.

The auditing process

Your app will be subjected to testing with regard to the following aspects, among others:

The list of ePrivacyApp criteria comprises more than 150 criteria on the basis of the following statutes and standards:

  • German data protection legislation (the BDSG, the TMG)
  • European data protection legislation (EU Directive )
  • IAB Europe OBA Framework (governing self-regulation by the digital advertising industry)
  • High, established technical security standards for apps
  • Expected amendments of data protection regulations and security standards

The complete list of criteria can be found here.

ePrivacyApp High Security

Some apps, such as e-health apps, banking apps or apps used in the communications context, involve the processing and transmission of particularly sensitive data. ePrivacy recommends that these apps be subjected to ePrivacyApp HS testing, which supplements the standard list of criteria with high security requirements.

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