Privacy Policy Generator

Nowadays, it’s possible for every user to become a website operator, even without possessing significant HTML knowledge. Many providers offer a complimentary domain and a corresponding tool with which the website operator can fulfill his or her own desires for an individual Internet presence click for click. A well-known solution is, for example, Wordpress, which provides the website operator with a good bit of support thanks to all sorts of plug ins and instructions. As easy as creating one’s own site has now become for operators, what these website operators have tended to forget are the obligations of an Internet presence.

Legal Notice Obligation and Data Privacy Statement for Website Operators

Every year, there are a number of legal competition warnings, especially with respect to offences in connection with individual legal notices, often initiated by competitors or competitor associations.

Both a legal notice and a privacy policy are absolutely required for every Internet page. With the publication of a website, there’s also the danger of receiving a warning for the missing data privacy statement. Every website operator that stores of his or her users’ data - and that’s basically the case for many websites - must provide his or her users with a data privacy statement. As an example: The inclusion of Facebook and the widespread use of Like buttons stores or passes along a considerable amount of data to social media giants. The data protection law demands website operators to thoroughly and comprehensively describe just what data is being stored and for what the data will be made use of.

In order to avoid a data protection violation and an ensuing warning, a person can turn to a lawyer or a data protection respectively privacy expert. Many website operators decide against doing this for financial reasons. Still, everyone should be aware that financial penalties could result in the case of a legal warning.

ePrivacy offers both, the private operators of websites as well as companies, a privacy generator: The Privacy Policy Generator. With but a few clicks, you can generate your privacy policy with the data privacy notice that is adapted especially to your homepage. Simply feel free to contact us – we’ll be happy to help you set up your site in a manner that is safe and compliant to data protection.


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