TV/video marketing
ePrivacy advises companies and certifies products in the TV/video marketing context in cases in which stringent requirements as to data protection and data security have to be met. Certification in the form of the recognized ePrivacyseal data protection seal will be possible where a product complies with German or European data protection legislation to an exemplary degree. ePrivacy awards EDAA-OBA certification specifically to providers of online behavioral advertising services in co-operation with the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA).
Particular characteristics of the TV and video marketing sector
Moving image content is all-pervasive in this digital age, with people watching videos on their smartphones, tablets, computer screens and smart TVs. The Internet capability of modern TVs means that advertisers are able to supplement their television signal offering with multimedia content. Television has long been more than just the classic range of TV programs. It has merged with Internet content, with videos bringing sellers closer to their customers by providing fast and direct information and the bundling of all manner of devices with Internet capability ensuring greater coverage.
Data is transmitted by smart TVs where the consumer opts for additional services such as HbbTV, with the key player in this context being the broadcasting television network. Users are able to supplement standard TV programming with content from the Internet, with the corresponding connection automatically being established when a switch between different TV programs occurs. Tracking usually takes place upon a change of TV channel. Data is also transmitted by smart TVs when the electronic program guide (EPG) is used.
In November 2015, by way of response to the increasingly widespread use of videos, the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) published OBA guidelines governing video ads (pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll), in-stream applications and website and banner advertising. Unlike desktop ads, video ads give rise to additional considerations of a technical and operational nature for companies.
Why is it a good idea to obtain advice or certification in the form of the ePrivacyseal?
- TV/video products can from the outset be developed in such a manner as to ensure their compliance with currently applicable legislation ("privacy by design").
- The need for any subsequent amendments in line with data protection regulations can be dispensed with.
- Data breaches and the associated subsequent financial losses and loss of reputation can be avoided.
- App providers become familiar with any technical flaws in their apps with regard to data protection and data security and are able to rectify these before any critical data leaks occur.
- Obtaining certification for a TV/video product demonstrates our customers' commitment to data protection as a means of building trust.
Services provided by ePrivacy with regard to TV/video products
- OBA certification
- Advice on privacy by design and privacy by default approaches to new products and services
- Privacy impact assessment for new TV/video products
- Certification of online product offerings in accordance with EU or Swiss law in the form of the ePrivacyseal
- Certification of apps with ePrivacyApp
ePrivacy will assist you in designing your products, technologies and services in line with the extremely stringent requirements imposed by applicable data protection legislation. We will help you and your employees to ensure the secure handling of sensitive customer and user data.